Friday, November 11, 2016

How to Handle conflict in a teams?

Conflict is disagreement and it comes in the heart. Many of our conflict happen because we want our own way and make choices to get it. our selfish desires are the reasons for many of our conflict.

1.    Where the conflicts come from?

·      These conflict start from the physical workspace. Different preferences for music, too loud phone conversations, and annoying habits for instance; tapping feet on the floor, talking aloud to someone else.
·      Conflicts are also come from the odors such as strong perfumes and colognes, heavily scented flowers and air fresheners, and poor hygiene are all amplified in air- conditioned offices. Keep in mind that some people are highly allergic to certain odors which can effect very badly and serious and this makes the reason of conflict among members.
·      Communication is also one of the source of conflict but it is solution too depending upon the situation. Poor, rude communication, strange attitude and many other worse communication ways grow conflict between team members but working in a team demands respect and good communication skills.
·      Moreover, conflict can arise over skillsets when it seems that some team members are not carrying their weight on the team. Additional training and coaching are necessary to resolve this type of conflict. On the other hand, conflict also arise if training and coaching opportunities are provided to certain people and not others which, means discrimination.
·      Further, some people offers complement to only those who are skillful and rich and having good looking personality which leads to demotivate other members in a group. Motivate everyone in a group so that everyone gives their best and hard efforts to accomplish goals.
·      Jealous of someone’s achievement is also the cause of conflict. success of an individual makes the other member jealous which results in conflict.
·      Behavior is also a common reason of conflict. Behavior conflicts include personality traits for instance; one employee may have a reserved personality while another may be more outgoing and forwarding which may cause conflict in terms of competition. (rau-foster, n.d.)



rau-foster, m. (n.d.). wworkplace issues. Retrieved from

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